How do I access the library databases?
Please visit the Gadsden State Library webpage. Select the Journal Articles & Database card.
Links can also be found on the Library Resources tab.
WiFi and Remote users
After selecting a database, an authentication page will appear (EZ Proxy).
Username is only your A# (Ex: A01234567)
Password is your GSCC WiFi password. (This could also be the same as your MyGadsdenState portal password).
Default login !GSCCmmddyy (Ex:!GSCC112803)
Contact your nearest Library for questions:
- Ayers LRC (Anniston): 256-835-5436
- Cherokee (Centre): 256-927-1808
- Valley Street (Gadsden): 256-439-6887
- Wallace Drive (Gadsden): 256-549-8333